
budget years中文是什么意思

  • 预算年



  • 例句与用法
  • The meeting summarized the work of the first budget year , and prescribed the strategy of further development and the detailed action plan
  • A bipartisan group of 13 goernors has written congressional leaders asking them to coer the money shortfall before the budget year ends
  • " in a tight budget year , these figures reflect our strong commitment to sustain a continuous roll - out of government it projects , " mr wong pointed out
  • A document used in contract administration that provides the initial definition of tasks to be performed in the budget year and a schedule for their accomplishment
  • But i think the budget is still too optimistic in using an average 5 % growth rate as the basis for forecasting budget surpluses for the three years following the coming budget year
    唯独是对在预算案中的未来三年的收支预测,仍然以保持5 %的平均实质增长作基准,觉得可能仍偏于乐观。
  • Georgia and new jersey are two of 14 states that are expected to run out of money for the program before the next budget year begins in october ; in georgia , it could be as soon as march
  • The canadian taxpayers federation estimates ottawa will haul in roughly $ 6 . 1 - billion in taxes from gasoline sales in the current budget year , up 7 per cent from $ 5 . 7 - billion last year
    加拿大纳税人联盟估计,联邦政府在本财政年度里将从汽油税上收取61亿的税款,在去年57亿油税基础上增加了7 。
  • Despite government s directive that applies only to new bids , hkbu will tender the outsourced cleaning contract earlier and aim at adopting the new minimum salary on 1 july 2005 ( one year earlier and to coincide with the new budget year )
  • As the ncc is established in the middle of the budget year , the various funds required as a direct result of the transferring of personnel and functions , under the overall manpower planning , may be re - adjusted by the transferring government agencies within the scope of their respective budgets , notwithstanding the restrictions under the provisions in articles 62 and 63 of the budget act
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